Frequently asked questions

Questions? We have answers

  • No. PolicyBlitz is an artificial intelligence powered life insurance agency. Our powerful technology matches your data with thousands of policies from top-tier life insurance companies. By making this complex comparison shopping fast and easy, we help you find the best policy for your needs and budget.

  • No. We’re completely independent, unlike some life insurance agencies that only sell policies from their affiliate company. We have no incentive to steer you toward one insurer over another. We’ll find options from multiple carriers—you choose one that’s right for you.

  • It’s against the law to offer a discount on life insurance policy prices. Here’s why: Life insurance rates are regulated by each state. Insurers submit policy prices for approval, and once they’re approved, that’s the price every agent selling those policies must charge. However, policy rates vary widely from insurer to insurer. Thanks to PolicyBlitz’s powerful AI platform, we’re able to sift through thousands of policy options quickly, helping you find the most affordable plans available to you. No added broker fees or hidden costs.

  • Absolutely. We use secure encryption technology to keep your personal information safe. When it comes to your application, we never pull your data without your approval first.

  • You can talk to a friendly PolicyBlitz life insurance expert by calling 310 779 1921. You can also chat with us right here on or send us an email at No matter how you contact us, we will get back to you within 24 hours.

  • PolicyBlitz set out to be a completely transparent life insurance platform – and that’s how we run our business as well. We believe by making life insurance options easy to understand, we help you make the best decision for your needs and lifestyle. We also feel very strongly about privacy. Your information is never shared or sold, even if you don’t pursue a policy with us.

  • Yes! PolicyBlitz offers both flexible term and permanent life solutions. No matter what your needs are, you can find a policy that best fits them.

  • Life insurance can seem overwhelming at first. Start by checking out our Life Insurance 101 page, which explains different policy types and how they work. Then use our quick quote questionnaire to calculate your personal coverage needs. Want more help? Call us at 1234567890 or email and one of our experts will be happy to assist.

  • Thanks to our powerful AI technology, the majority of our clients don’t need a medical exam (which makes us unique in the life insurance industry). If your medical history does require an exam, we’re here to talk you through the process, which is quick, easy, and convenient.

  • Each insurance company uses proprietary names to identify the different policy types they offer. Read more about the policy types here.

  • PolicyBlitz offers both term and permanent options. Our permanent options include both whole and universal. Read more about the policy types we offer here.


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